Mobile Charging Kiosk

In this era of technological advancement, where people rely on smartphones,tablets,Laptops and different gadgets. With more and more games, apps and the boom of E commerce and high usage of smart phones, pepole faces battery draining issues everywhere.our advanced technology ensures that the gadgets remain at your service at all times, no matter where you are.

Addsoft has designed a high quality kiosks where a user can open a locker, put their mobile phone to charge and close the locker. They can then come back at their convenience to retrieve their phone. Thus the phone has been charging in a secure locker which can be accessed only by an authorised person. The customer could be charged for charging or it could be a free service being offered by a location or office.

Addsoft MBOX automated smart mobile charging lockers offers an innovative range of secure storage and charging system. Our smart Mobile charging locker systems integrate software, networking and locking devices to enable secure storage and charging easy, convenient, and secure. Using Our MBOX Lock it, leave it, come back to a fully charged device. The Cell Phone Charging Locker makes charging easy, convenient, and secure. Outfitted with charging cables in each bay, it can power every phone on the market.

Feature :

  • A unique and revolutionary way to engage your customers.
  • Attracts customers to your location and keeps them there longer.
  • Extremely high customer satisfaction.
  • Power multiple iPads, iPhones, and other mobile devices with Over Charging Protection.
  • Accommodates any USB device
  • locker comes open / close on finger based security for individual,
  • In-Build Fast Charger facility.
  • Integrated Digital Signage
  • Offer various charge plugs to charge all smart cell phones in market.
  • The Mbox comes with 6 cell to 500 cell box..

Addsoft Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

  • Plot No : 647/2219, At: Nuapatna, Telengapentha
    Cuttack-754001, Odisha, India
  • +91-671-2356 501 / 502, 011-41325589